How many cars sign up for a 110 Club Track day?
We aim for 75 cars. This ensures that there are three groups and with an average track time per group of 2 hours.
Can I come with a friend and can we share the driving time?
Yes you may come with a friend and your may share a car, but one driver equals one payment. If you intend to drive, you must pay the full day rate. Passengers at welcomed at Pocono and they may ride along with you at no charge.
What are the groups and how are they determined?
We have beginner, intermediate and advance driving groups. We leave it up to your discretion as to what level you think you are. If this is your first time to a 110 Club track day and you have never done a track day, we suggest starting out in the Beginner group for the morning, You can always move up to a more advanced group as you get more comfortable with the track. If you think you are faster than you really are, all you're going to do is hold people up and annoy them so please choose your group carefully.
How old do I need to participate?
You must have a valid drivers license to be allowed on the track.
Are there any refunds for bad weather or if I can't go at the last minute.
There are no refunds. Our 110 Club track days happens rain or shine and once you pay, you are locked in. If it happens that you can not attend, you can give your spot to someone else but once you pay, that spot is yours. In the case that the track cancels the track day due to the weather, we will work with the track to secure a make up date.
What do I need to bring to drive protection wise?
Everyone must wear a DOT or Snell approved Helmet (depending on the track). Goggles, visors or some eye protection is recommended. Long pants and long sleeve shirts are required as well.
Can I bring any car and drive it on the track or do I need a race car?
You can drive almost any car at a 110 Club track event. Obviously this is a chance for guys to bring their modified or race cars to the track and drive them. But we have had everything from daily drivers to 800 Hp super cars. As for convertibles, If you bring a convertible having a roll bar or roll over protection hoop is encouraged and at NJMP is madatory in order to go at race speeds on the track. This is from Chapter 62 of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Racetrack Regulations and strictly enforced by NJMP and State Police. If you do not have the proper roll over protection you are limited to following a pace car and going a maximum of 65 MPH at NJMP. But at Pocono, you may drive a convertible with out a roll bar but the top must stay up. Again, Roll bars / Cages in convertibles are recommended and encouraged for your protection. You must wear your seat belt at all times while on the track.
Does my car need to have any special markings on it?
The one thing every car must have is a number displayed on at least two sides of the car (most common is on each door). The reason for this is so that the track officials can easily point out your car if you have an issue that needs to be addressed such as a break down, car off track, black flag, etc. If you car does not have numbers on it, you can simply use any sort of masking or painters tape to make up a number (see home page for an example).
What is the typical day like?
Track is open for people to arrive by 7am. Sign up is between 7:15am and 8:15am. There is a mandatory drivers meeting around 8:30am and we are on course starting at 9am. Each session is around 20 minutes long and we go through 3 - 4 group sessions in the morning, break for an 45 minute lunch at noon and then run 3 - 4 group sessions in the afternoon. As the sessions thin out we will open the track to everyone and run 20 minute sessions till the track closes at 6pm.
Is there passing?
Yes and No... We do allow passing but only in designated straight sections on the track. In the past we have had a rule where there was absolutely NO PASSING in any corners, no matter what group you are in or how experienced you are. But lately we have allowed the Advance drivers to pass in the corners at their own risk. 110 Club, LLC is not responsible any contact between cars or any damage that may incur from passing. For Beginner and Intermediate driver groups, passing is limited to certain straight areas on the track. We like people to stay within non contact distance of one another on the track. Passing is done through a pointing procedure that is explained at the mandatory drivers meeting.
Is there track insurance available that I can purchase and do i need additional insurance on my car?
The 110 Club is required by the track to obtain a certificate of general liability for the track day itself. We take care of obtaining this insurance. This does not, however, protect your car from an unforeseen incident, but there are companies that do provide insurance for your car on the day of the event. One company that we know of that offers single or multi day insurance for your car is www.ontrackinsurance.com
Is there food offered at the Track:
Both tracks offer some sort of concessions at the their tracks where you can get breakfast and lunch. The 110 Club, LLC buys your breakfast and coffee when you sign in. Lunch and all other food are on you.
Is there Gas available at the Track?
Yes. Both NJMP and Pocono have a deal with Sunoco as their gas sponsor and offer the highest rated octane (93 and above) that you may purchase on site.
Are there Hotels in the area to stay the night before?
Yes. NJMP has onsite lodging in the form of 2 - 3 room villas or one bedroom suites that you can rent for 1 - 3 nights. You can find information on the website by clicking here.
Pocono has hotels a couple miles away. A list of hotels in the area can be found by clicking here.
Can we drop off our cars the night before if we are staying over?
At NJMP they provide you with either a garage to leave your car overnight or a parking area, depending on which track we rent. The facility has a 24hr guard at the gate and everyone must check in upon arrival.
At Pocono, they do allow you to drop your car off before the gates are closed and locked which is around 7pm. If we request a 24hr guard that is extra. But they lock the facility and have a guard at the gate. But once you drop you car off and they lock the gates, you can not get back in until they open in the morning. Pocono also has open air garages that you can put your car under. Best to check with the track before hand to be 100% sure.
Is this strictly a "boys club"?
No. Women are welcome to participate and encouraged.
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